• Have you been told that your child may be showing red flags for autism?


    Has your child recently been diagnosed with autism?


    You are not alone.


    1 in 54 children are currently being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

    • Give yourself time to discover that the common misperceptions that children with autism enjoy being isolated, lacking affection or empathy, etc., are mistaken.
      Those messages are based on a misunderstanding of autistic people and how they interact with and perceive the world.
    • Give yourself time to process information critically.
      There is both bad and good information available; the more informed you become, the more your perspectives on and understanding of autism and parenting will change.
    • Give yourself time to learn which organizations and people to trust.
    • Give yourself time to figure out what autism means for your child. Autistic brains and thinking processes can be very different from non-autistic brains….learning to recognize, understand, and appreciate these unique differences will take time.
    • Give yourself time to figure out what communication looks like for your child. Everyone communicates; even children who are not speaking. Also, autistic children who can speak may not be able to communicate all their intentions; often those children have their communication needs underestimated.
    • Give yourself time to figure out which supports, schools, therapies, and environments will help your child succeed. Recommended TED Talk: https://www.uri.edu/tedx/talks/amy-laurent-rethinking-support-for-autistic-individuals/
    • Give yourself time to figure out what your child really enjoys. Surrender to that joy whenever possible.

    “When you do what your child loves, your child will love being with you”.
    ― Dr. Rick Solomon


    Summary of information from article titled After an Autism Diagnosis: 13 Necessary Next Steps For Parents by Shannon Des Roches Rosa at thinkingautismguide.com